Samuels studied piano at Grant McEwan College. Afterward Samuels and his brother Terry set off for Europe. Samuels promptly amassed a following. His brother, and self-appointed manager, began booking him in some of the finest hotels, bumping their travels to first-class. They went to Israel and again garnered a large fan base.

Most recently, Samuels has developed a deep appreciation for contemporary Christian music. A couple years ago, he released an instrumental album called Piano Worship. He recorded well known contemporary Christian songs using his piano out of his home studio in Carlsbad California. This album was so well received he now has a follow up release, Solo Piano Worship. Samuels arranged these songs so if we are in the car after a busy day, in the kitchen doing the dishes or on a walk, whatever we are doing in our bodies, worship can shift our spirits to return us to God who replenishes our souls.